Aiden turned 4 months yesterday! Feels like it's been a year. Lots of new things this month, he puts everything in his mouth: his hands, my hands, his arms, my arms, his toys, his clothes, etc. His favorite toys are bead things like the picture below. He almost always wants to be standing, and has rolled over lots. He grabs everything including my dinner plate. Things he no longer likes, actually loathes: swaddling, laying down, sleeping, and his car seat =). Pretty much anything that has restraints has become his enemy. He went to the doctor yesterday. I asked if he had a huge head, turns out his head and his length are in the same percentile (70th) but his weight is 40th so that's why it looks humongo =). But he's still cute and the doctor said I was crazy. He weighed 14 lb 5 oz and he's 25.25 inches long.
Passed out at dinner at Texas Pride, this is a rare occurrence.
Tummy time! Looking like he's at boot camp.
His first swim at Grandpa and Nana's. Ready for the pool!
Well, we had to stay in the hot tub, water was too cold =).
But he loved it!!
And pretty much fell asleep from the relaxing bubbles.